DKA – DREIKÖNIGSAKTION which translates into “The Three Kings’ Action” is an aid organization of the Catholic children and youth groups of Austria. DKA’s vision is a world in which all people can lead a good and safe life, regardless of skin color, religion or ethnicity. DKA is responsible not only for the coordination of the Austria-wide carol singers’ campaign, but also for the technically well-founded allocation of the collected donations. The Carol Singers’ Campaign takes place across Austria, with 85,000 children and 30,000 adults sending out a clear message for a just world. These donations collected by the Carol Singers are used to support people/organizations committed to a fairer world for all human beings. DKA’s focus areas are promotion of children and young people, education, securing food, drinking water and medical care, protection of human rights and pastoral work as a service of the church to the weakest. DKA supports around 500 projects touching more than a million people in the poor regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America reached directly. DKA works with reliable local partner organizations. Such projects are financed by the donation collected by the carol singers.
Kfb – KATHOLISCHE FRAUENBEWEGUNG OSTERREICH (Catholic Women’s Movement) is the largest women’s movement in Austria with 90000 members, actively involved in the concerns of women. Kfb supports women to discover and develop the diversity of their talents and interests, empowers women to stand up for their rights to live a good life and shares commitment with like-minded partners. The Family Fast Day campaign has been organized annually since 1958 and carried out throughout Austria under the motto “Share”.
The DKA-KFB Support Team based at Bosco Instituteaccompanies the DKA-Kfb partners in North East region and now also in some of the states of North India.
The DKA-Kfb Support Office has a team comprising of Ms. Zabi L. Darnei as the Team lead, Ms. Katia Chakre, Programme Associate along with Father Jerry Thomas as the mentor of the Team and Dr. Eva Wallensteiner, our project officer in charge of India.
The projects of DKA and KFB relate to empowerment of children and adolescents/youth, secure and sustainable livelihoods, education that leads to sustainability and gender equality and empowerment.
The Support Team organizes and facilitates capacity building trainings and cross learning meetings for partner organizations, documents their work, helps build their networks and contacts, monitors the implementation of projects and does mid-term or end-term evaluations. The team also connects with new potential partners, does feasibility studies for new projects, and screens project proposals. The team helps develop toolkits and communication materials on relevant themes for use by the partners. The quarterly newsletter ‘Connect’ highlights relevant developmental themes and disseminates information on the work done by partners.
The support team facilitates internships for students of social work and allied fields to partner organizations.
At present we accompany 34 partner organizations in India (excluding South India) and monitor 43 projects.